Casa Playa San Diego
A/C and Internet
$150.00 a Night
$900.00 a Week
$Monthly discounts
Accommodates 11 guests

 Sunset Waves
A/C and Internet
$125.00 a Night
$750.00 a Week
$Monthly discounts
Accommodates 5 guests

La Casita Nica
Internet and No A/C
Includes 3 High velocity fans
$75.00 a Night
$400.00 a week
$ Monthly discounts
Accommodates 6 guests

*All guests are welcomed to use our common lounge area equipped with a bar, running water, light, rocking chairs, hammocks, and picnic tables. Excludes special events.

Planning an event?

Ask for discounts to rent the entire facility or just our lounge area. 

$100.00 security deposit required for reservation returned after checkout, payment due in full upon check in, and most major credit cards accepted. Call or Email for reservations.
